Today... 'Commander' Poem by Roy Allen

Roy Allen

Roy Allen

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Roy Allen
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Today... 'Commander'

A great Leader and Commander was given
charge of leading His people into heaven.
We walk in His footsteps and obey His words
for He is our King of kings and Lord of lords.

'Come and choose this day whom you will serve' we hear
the voice of Joshua calling loud and clear
and joining with him in this response we say
'as for me — I will serve the Lord from this day.'

Examples of His leadership can be seen
in the miracles performed on this worlds scene.
Demonstrating His power as King of kings
and His right to be Commander of all things

1) Healing the Centurions Servant (Luke 7: 1-10)

'Just say the word and Your great power reveal
for I believe that my servant You can heal.
I'm a man understanding authority
and can recognise it in the One I see.'

These are words the Centurion said to You
for he saw great authority in You too.
As Commander Your authority's not bound
by any earthly barrier or battleground.

2) The Raising of Lazarus from the dead (John 11: 17-44)

They opened the tomb and rolled the stone away
then they heard Your command in a loud voice say
'Lazarus come out' and before them they saw
he who had been dead was not dead any more.

3) Healing the man possessed (Mark 5: 1-13)

With this man the demons always had their way
among the tombs during the night and the day.
'Legion, Come out of him' to the man You said
and at the Commanders voice the demons fled.

They had to obey You for You were Divine
and they fled to the hills entering the swine.
Then the two thousand demons ran down the bank
fell into the sea and they all drowned and sank.

4) Stilling the storm (Mark 4: 35-41)

Petrified in the boat they were panicking
as the waves of the sea came cascading in.
You awoke Lord and then commanded the sea
'Be still, ' You said with awesome authority.

'What manner of man is this' out loud they cried.
Amazed as they saw the wind and sea subside.
The storm was quelled and the wind and rain did cease
the Commander obeyed, they were left in peace.


Mightier than any tempestuous sea
Mightier than clashing thunderstorm is He.
Our Commander God is The Sovereign Lord
all heaven and hell have to obey His word.

(additional background information is provided in the Poem's story box below)

Isaiah 55: 4
Behold, I have given him for a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people.

The Bible calls You by many names
each one giving a glimpse of Your glory.
Like a cut diamond radiating in the sun
with every facet depicting an aspect
of Your Divine Nature.
Today I have thought of You as
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Roy Allen

Roy Allen

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Roy Allen
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