These rituals, customs and duties
But Were made for social securities
But now thou seem tightening thy chain
Like opium thou benumbed every brain
They want to come out of Mother's womb
But thou o cruel! Never let them come
Thousands sobs for them thou bring
Still O brutal! Which glory thou sing
Their choice whether dress, job or partner
Almost all hurt so badly thy fake honour
Thy lips keep ever sticking but on rapes
To impose thy laws thou hiss like snakes
Interfere not in their lives to that extent
Which compel them to kill their present
Just show a few techniques and the sky
Just liberate them fully and let them fly
O society! Don't be an arrogant demon
With bound feet thou want them to run
Thou were made to bring up and guide
Just do thy business and take a side
Don't draw a line and ask to remain in
Teach them to fight and the way to win
Let them show, they can face the strife
Let them be victorious and live their life
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
an apt depiction of society, where the outdated customs are followed in the name of culture.