To the dump site
Dear dump site
I blame you
I blame you for accepting everything
I blame you for supporting and concealing
Moral decadence in society
I blame you for concealing
All of our indecency like as if
You really care.
To the dump site
The next time someone
Comes and abandons a jewel
At you, do not accept it
Just because you are a
Dump site it doesn't mean you
Have to accept everything
Zvimwe rambawo.
To the dump site
Especially when it comes to our precious stones
The next time someone tries to
Give you the responsibility
Of looking after their precious jewel
I want you to grow four arms,
Like ben on cartoon network
I want you to fight
The evil of humanity.
For far too long you have
Concealed mankind's indecency
For far too long
Babies have been abandoned at your gates
For far too long
You have mothered babies
Of irresponsible, infatous
Promiscuous, sex addicts.
Trust me ndirikukuona hangu.
And as for you
Who is under the sound of my voice
A dump site is no place for jewels.
As for you
Who is under the sound of my voice
Before you abandon your jewel at the site
I want it to ring in your mimind
That some are crying tears
Tears of blood just to have
That which you consider
As for you
Who is under the sound of my voice
Before you have sex
In the name of this cold weather
Just know that tea bags
Are much cheaper than pampers.
To the dump site
You are just a dump site
Nothing more
Not a nursery home so
Stop pretending like you care
For our babies
You are just something
No one really cares about
After all you are just
A dump site
Not a nursery home.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Before you have In the name of this cold weather Just know that tea bags Are much cheaper than pampers.............................. FELL IN LOVE WITH THESE LINES