To My Friend And Foe Poem by Julio 2 Amarante

Julio 2 Amarante

Julio 2 Amarante

Porto, Portugal
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Julio 2 Amarante
Porto, Portugal
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To My Friend And Foe

Rating: 5.0

Your stood by me more times than I can imagine.
You gave me the urge to live only not to disappoint
My friend stood as my blank point,
No blank slate could erase you from me.

I envy you by your bold choices of life,
And lament not to have given you the truth
As happy I see you came into being what one deserves.

Maybe I could have loved you,
Getting into you,
O master manipulator,
Apart the fact of wanting the best,
Damn you,
Your flowers rotten in a place of nowhere.
A spot where, there, nobody is,
Only my admiration for your skills.

I have received many notifications.
Seldom any kind of salutation,
As in the yearly "State of the Nation"
and yet it's your brightly,
Gentle presence ~fucking head~
A monster over this bed,
A good soul buried under,
All of me remains simply asunder.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: confessional
Chinedu Dike 15 December 2019

Well expressed thoughts and feelings. Very heartfelt with strong emotions. Thanks for sharing.

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Jazib Kamalvi 15 October 2019

Such a nice poem, bjp. Read my poem, Love and L u s t. Thanks.

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Julio 2 Amarante

Julio 2 Amarante

Porto, Portugal
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Julio 2 Amarante
Porto, Portugal
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