... To Few Have Known... Poem by Kristin Nicole RothDavis

Kristin Nicole RothDavis

Kristin Nicole RothDavis

Southern Oklahoma... <country gal here>
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Kristin Nicole RothDavis
Southern Oklahoma... <country gal here>
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... To Few Have Known...

Rating: 3.2

Send me the tears that you weep,
Let me hold them here in safe keep...
Let me cradle the fears
you've held all these years...
and prove that our trust can run deep.

Meet me half way,
show me all that you are.
Don't hold me away...
let me in ~ let me stay.

Hold my hand and I'll be your guide,
We'll explore the depths of our souls,
and together, we'll strengthen what
flaws we may find
until we are once again whole.

Stand beside me on the mountain
as we look into the valley of possibilities...
Taking those chances and soaring,
we'll feel the warmth of the sun
filling our hearts.

Bathe with me in the sea of knowledge.
We'll sprinkle drops of enlightenment
throughout a world of ignorance.

Lay with me... let my warmth envelope you
as never before...
There is no trepidation as you lay in my arms...
Sleep peacefully,
assured you are safe from all harm.

I will be there to catch you should you fall...
and lift you with my wings when you feel
you can't go on...
and I'll stand you back on your feet when I know
that you've once again grown strong.

Two souls connected by
an understanding that
too few have known...

Geoff Warden 13 February 2007

WOW WOW and WOW, , , , , this is so pristine, , , I surrender to such depth, well done

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Frank James Ryan Jr...fjr 10 February 2007

And yo'r poetic Hits just keep comin', my dear Poetess K....Pristine sonstruction....astute poetic elocution...Solid craftsmanship.... F. j. R. frankster

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Tranquil Ocean 10 February 2007

Kristin....WOW! I am reading yorus after a long time and I must say that I see a lot of depth and soul in your writing...not that it wasnt there before. Beautifully written Love...TO

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Kristin Nicole RothDavis

Kristin Nicole RothDavis

Southern Oklahoma... <country gal here>
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Kristin Nicole RothDavis
Southern Oklahoma... <country gal here>
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