Tiny Feet Poem by Chatem Mercedes

Chatem Mercedes

Chatem Mercedes

Montreal, Canada
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Chatem Mercedes
Montreal, Canada
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Tiny Feet

Rating: 5.0

Soft tiny feet lost in sheets.

smooth legs wrapped around his waist.

he finds one foot, caresses it.

indeed very soft tiny feet.

the hurt ones are always most gentle.

in the quiet of 3am you wrap yourself in my hair.

smooth your hands down my hips

you taste familiar, like a drink had with another man.

lavender and whiskey.

an unexpected yet beautiful pair.

soft darkness diffusing into sweet wildness.

you hold me like a cello and melt into me.

this moment unbeknownst to us is monumental.

an event to change all events, you just don't know it yet.

i'll hold onto this secret a little longer or maybe forever.

I don't want this memory tarnished yet.

I want to imagine the tiniest feet in the sheets,

just a little longer.

Thursday, March 8, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: betrayal,child,dark,life,loneliness,longing
Dr Antony Theodore 08 March 2018

soft darkness diffusing into sweet wildness. you hold me like a cello and melt into me. this moment unbeknownst to us is monumental. longing and betrayal.......... expressed very well my dear poet. thank u for this poem dear poet. tony

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Chatem Mercedes

Chatem Mercedes

Montreal, Canada
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Chatem Mercedes
Montreal, Canada
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