Through The Eyes......You Reach Ones Soul Poem by Rachel Fogle

Rachel Fogle

Rachel Fogle

Baltimore, MD
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Rachel Fogle
Baltimore, MD
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Through The Eyes......You Reach Ones Soul

Through the Eyes of him I see depth, I see lite upon his soul.
I see reflections of a man who has tasted his weight in gold.
I see hardship & great strength and a very arrogate stroll.
I see bittersweet success that the price has yet to be told.

Distance is a comfort for a life that has grown wild.
But Through the reach his Soul.
And for that I'd paid any toll.

I long to touch that heart that is now so well reserved.
Feeling empty as I gaze and wonder when will his secrets be mine to hold?

Choosen are we to lead what life is set forth,
Through my eyes.....I see a road that our paths just don't meet in that road.

Bitter am I that I must watch him....when I long to do more.
Bitter am I to allow myself to see what I see in his soul.

I see him sitting alone......watching all he can.
Wondering can the power of success really be measured in one man.

Or can one be happy at the end when he has it all,
Or does he regret that to have more you look beyond that wall.

More so, do you reach and grab that gift he gave.
And set out to discover Through the Eyes is what one must take.

To reach and find that comfort that feeling of having everything.
Even if you look outside and see nothing but the trees.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder....
And I never doubt what I see....
That looking at all the Soul I need.

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Rachel Fogle

Rachel Fogle

Baltimore, MD
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Rachel Fogle
Baltimore, MD
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