This One Man Poem by Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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Randy McClave
Ashland, Kentucky
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This One Man

Some say they know me, but do they really,
Does anyone know the makeup of this one man;
Some see me as serious, while some see me as silly
Then some see me as "I can't" while others as "I can".
But then not knowing me might be someones lost
As a journey without adventure is an unexpected cost.

I have walked the footsteps that other men have walked,
And I am proud of my achievements and all I have done;
My devotion and fidelity in GOD'S book will be chalked
As from no one person or situation did I ever run.
I am the best friend that anyone could ever know
And any-ones worse enemy if we'd go toe to toe.

Does anyone truly know me, I would say not,
Unless they have lived the same life that I still live;
Could they survive the battles that I had fought
I doubt it, as my life is a war, and my soul is combative.
My life is honor and pride, morality and virtue I do proclaim
And not for guilt or regret, or for wrongdoing or shame.

I am afraid of no man, but many men are afraid of me,
Maybe because I don't cheat, and I never betray;
Once I was blinded and foolish, but now I do see
The laws of GOD and my soul, I will aways obey.
If you haven't been in involved in every step of my lifespan
You truly don't understand the beliefs, of this one man.

Randy L. McClave

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Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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Randy McClave
Ashland, Kentucky
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