Things I Did Not Say Poem by Barry Middleton

Things I Did Not Say

Rating: 4.8

there are so many things I did not say
I may have hinted once or twice
but that is not enough

the seasons pass and time must take its toll
the sun is fading in the west
a breeze confounds the air

there are those things yet better left unsaid
that may bring pain or wistfulness
but there is still regret

now it is late and I must go my way
you must have seen my doubt filled eyes
I could not find the words

Things I Did Not Say
Monday, August 8, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: regret
Hazel Durham 08 August 2016

Regret is a very painful experience but we must try and come to terms with lost opportunities, lost lovers and lost time. To live in the present is to accept the past and learn from it and rejoice to be free from the prison that is regrets! Powerful and beautiful write!

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Rajnish Manga 08 August 2016

Critical appreciation of the poem beautifully done. Thank you, Hazel.

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Rob Lamberton 15 October 2024

Well said!

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Upendra Upm 08 September 2017

Both matters and mind so accurately described and one is the mirror image of the other.sun fading and you must have seen my doubtfuleyes - that is, mind fading.

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Richard Wlodarski 30 August 2017

The age old dilemma: Is it better to tell someone something they may not want to hear? OR Is it better to leave things left unsaid? Your succinct philosophical poem gives us food for thought. Thank you for being so open and honest. An excellent write, Barry! !

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Barry Middleton 30 August 2017

I have never listed the principles that I believe are prerequisite to poetry but first and foremost would be emotional honesty. Thanks Richard for the spot on comment.

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Tom Allport 30 August 2017

a wonderful poem that applies to us all? everybody if honest has some regrets in their life! ............superbly written Barry.

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Barry Middleton 30 August 2017

Thanks Tom. It is so nice to have my work appreciated.

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Seamus O Brian 04 October 2016

I love how you did not overstate your point, allowing the succinctness of the work to reinforce its own meaning. Very nice work.

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Barry Middleton 04 October 2016

I can't seem to find the words. Thank you for the kind review.

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