Then My Boldness Ran Away! Poem by Angelo H.G.

Angelo H.G.

Angelo H.G.

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Angelo H.G.
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Then My Boldness Ran Away!

Rating: 2.7

In my most recent path
upon stumbled beauty and opportunity
my eyes met her with a friendly greeting
it was like when an eagle spots its prey
or when two love birds first hear the others song
my vision was stuck and unmoved
the time called for boldness to scream and answer
but like a computer coded with too much information
I froze, I was to make action then my boldness ran away
just as ink runs out of a writers pen
so did my boldness
run out through my ears

I was mad, angry, and upset
why couldn't I be Casanova and seduce my desires?
why couldn't I grab the hand of risk?
where only there possibility resides
she slowly drifted from my reach
where forever now she would be
my wholeness went from 12: 00 to 6: 30
fear my only sin, courage's evil twin
for the rest of the night my heart sobbed
I was robbed and the thief was me!
I vowed never again, never again
then I let my heart be...

Thursday, November 20, 2008
Topic(s) of this poem: courage,love,regret
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Angelo H.G.

Angelo H.G.

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Angelo H.G.
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