'The Watch' Poem by Lindemberg Pereira da Silva

'The Watch'

Outside the window
Lied in his bed
He glaced at the people
who passed by in the streets
all the time long.
Mothers and childrens
Cars, bus and birds
Lots and lots of smiles
that he could pay his small fortune
to achieve it again.
He saw the watch
and the night
coming into light
his fears, his pain.
Life hadn't any single meaning
for him,
And he made his days so dim,
Because he was used to waste
his time.
His friends, relatives or even
were just names in a hidden agenda.
Love was for him,
a simple play -
that was so easy to act.
His ambition, greed, selfishness
were always higher and higher
that he couldn't realize how
fast time was flying.
Now the watch -
sadly, deadly
was guiding him
to the death.
Friends he never made
A family was so expensive
and all alone in a dark room
he thought how his parents
felt the loneliness before they were gone.
He couldn't believe his nightmares were so alive
Maybe no one would be there before
he said his last goodbye,
He was always so busy looking at the watch
the same watch that now
was judging the end of his life.
Softly his eyes step by step were closed
and his few memories started to disappear
in his mind,
when the watch marked midnight
and with the hours his life was gone.

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