Is your sky still blue,
Mr. President?
Telling nonsense truth
Of fake news you dreamt
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He is the modern demagogue, he gives the desperate and dispossessed a hero, who rages against the world their loosing. Hes a joke but hes democracies rope.
Really got a kick out of reading this great satirical piece! Nice job, D.N. (and that's not fake news) !
Trump is been blown, left, right and centre. So forget about this headless Ba****.5****
We possess numerous duplicates of Trump scattered around, some exhibiting a lower degree of similarity while others surpassing the original, all proficient only in the art of manipulation and nothing more.
We've just got rid of our buffoon, I hope America soon follows with theirs.
Hahhahahahha... let him come and the world will get a perfect joker. Nice one.
And he is back again with his all new found comic books