The Time I Wonder Poem by Abdul Wahab

Abdul Wahab

Abdul Wahab

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Abdul Wahab
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The Time I Wonder

Rating: 4.0

I wanted you to like
my words

As you like your breath
But I falter

Again and again
I slip down to reach you

Like the spider
Of the story

King Robert Brush
But I bewilder

how so many things
at a time

Go without meaning
While I see

Beauty in ugliness
semblance of existence

in nothingness
I send my ‘’wish ‘’

Through my emptiness
And without image

I perceive
the softness of the wind

as I receive
the feelings of people

whatever is that
love or hate for me

even a lie
has its own value

when it instigates one
to fall in love

or works against a war
how no value

of my words to you
I wonder! !

David Wood 24 June 2013

There is value in a lie but the truth will out.

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Somanathan Iyer 24 June 2013

It all lies in our perception. Beauty in ugliness, perceiving softness of winds, lie having its own value. great words. lovable write.

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Gajanan Mishra 24 June 2013

I fall in love with this, thanks.

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Abdul Wahab

Abdul Wahab

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Abdul Wahab
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