The Teen Flower Arranger Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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Sylvia Frances Chan
Jakarta, Indonesia
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The Teen Flower Arranger

Rating: 5.0

The Teen Flower Arranger

Decades ago I arranged flowers
not as my profession,
based upon my love of flowers

my assistant went back and forth
to deliver the flowers,
despite the oriental showers,

those orchids remained perfect,
since I still lived in the tropics,
monsoon-rain has still great fame,
in my teen mind,

indeed, I got my flowers certificate,
with my inner teener aid,
when I was still in junior high

homework assignments
had been so resilient
I finished that flower-course
without remorse

I had also done that primarily
based upon my great love for my dear Mum

because of her postwar trauma,
she became a unique Mumma
she could only be a home Mumma,
mostly with much help,

and that's why she wished to have a house boutique,
a flower boutique at home,
boutique in her own domain,

Specialized in Orchids
since they stay fresh for a long time,
we could enjoy the longest,
so sublime!

although these orchids
got no liquids,
they stay fresh for a longer time
I love all kind
of flowers so sublime

it is for my dear Mumma,
I love orchids,
they are constantly fresh in the house,

my love for flowers,
especially orchids,
all kinds of orchids
they stay for weeks fresh
in the house,

for weeks enjoying flowers
for my dear Mumma and we
in our own house

the assistant could not be missed by she,
my beloved Mumma,
she could not miss me either,

needs not always go
to where they must be delivered to,

decennia ago
I arranged flowers
not as my profession
because I love them so,

as a teen, I got my flowers-arrangement certificate,
with the help of my inner-teen aid,
I got that certificate,
especially based on my great love,
for my dear late Mumma

a Bio-poem about no stranger,
but the teen flower arranger!

©Sylvia Frances Chan
Dutch Poetess, Critic
Jakarta, Indonesia Sunday 22 May 2022

The Teen Flower Arranger
Moon Orchids are always white in colours, and despite less watered can remain fresh a very long time, all orhids are very pleasant to arrange. This was my great hobby when I was 15 years old, I resided then in Jakarta, like today I am back in my Jakarta, Indonesia, only for a few days to visit my only bro in our parents house. Enjoy the read, thank you
Maria Mitea 22 May 2022

Dear Sylvia, you have here a Powerful poem! I deeply enjoyed reading it! Blessings!

2 0 Reply

I appreciate highest your valuable reading. Thank YOU! God's Blessings too.

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Nabakishore Dash 23 May 2022

Loved and enjoyed your beautiful poem Revered Sylvia Mam.

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M. Asim Nehal 23 May 2022

Good to visit and revisit the place of birth and reunite with childhood memories. They are treasures of this life. I hope you are having a good time with your brother. Keep writing such refreshing poems from Jakarta.

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You are always good in everything you do, my friend, and there is always art involved. Very lovely poem with wonderful flow of words. It made me remember those days when I planted orchids in driftwoods.

1 0 Reply

Made a revisit today. Enjoyed reading again…

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Nosheen Irfan 04 June 2022

Definitely a five star poem. Beautifully narrated with lovely glimpses into your teenage life. Nice rhythm and flow. Those flowers might have withered but your poem is full of their fragrance. Sterling ink!

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Rebecca Navarre 30 May 2022

Definite 5Stars! ..+++++++++++++++

1 0 Reply
Rebecca Navarre 30 May 2022

Beautiful sentiments, with beautiful moments! .. So precious and such a pleasure to read! ..

1 0 Reply
Rebecca Navarre 30 May 2022

Oh, How deeply beautiful! .. And ever so heart warming to read! ..

1 0 Reply
Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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Sylvia Frances Chan
Jakarta, Indonesia
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