The Strength Of A Fragile Man Poem by Abdul Wahab

Abdul Wahab

Abdul Wahab

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Abdul Wahab
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The Strength Of A Fragile Man

I am short but in any way not stout
And bones are not strong enough as you might think
A little hurt gives me much of pain
Very lose are the muscles and fragile is my structure
Yet when I see something wrong done to me or wrong to others
Believe me I do not know how and where from
I get the strength to crush them down even they are fifty
My heart roars and throat swells like a toad
With eyes red I start howling like a tiger
Until they flee like a monkey
I am telling you, believe me, even I am alone and they are fifty
And I am doing this since my childhood
And since then I am a man of poor and weak
My soul never says to be with the people who are winning
Or with the people who are ruling
I always remain the man of opposition
And willingly I do this, maybe it is for the love of man
Or it is for love of debate
But when I debate I pears through the defense
Even they are a pack of fifty
Believe me, i really do not know how and where from
I get my strength though I am a man weak and fragile.

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Abdul Wahab

Abdul Wahab

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Abdul Wahab
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