The Stag Party Poem by Angela Wybrow

Angela Wybrow

Angela Wybrow

Salisbury, Wilts, UK
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Angela Wybrow
Salisbury, Wilts, UK
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The Stag Party

To the ‘stags' standing up in my carriage,
I realise that one of you is soon to be married,
But please couldn't all of you just take a seat?
And do I really have to listen to that beat?

No doubt you'll all be out on the town tonight,
But to disturb other passengers, you have no right.
Your spirits are obviously soaring way up high,
And I notice that the Guard has turned a blind eye.

Your weekend of fun, I do not wish to mar,
But you are on a train, lads: not in a bar!
You've all obviously had quite a bit to drink:
I wonder what our fellow passengers all think?

Why don't you save the high jinks for later on?
Then, if you want, you can even burst into song!
I had been planning to sit here and read my book,
But, out of the train window, I now sit and look.

The seats on the other carriages were mostly reserved.
Tone it down a bit! You're getting right on my nerves!
This particular carriage, I had no choice, but to pick,
And you guys are really starting to get on my wick.

You're chatting non-stop and laughing out loud:
Why do you have to be such an annoying crowd?
For other passengers, you have no consideration,
And I'm glad that you're leaving at the next station.

This was written about a group of guys, who were on my train, coming home from Edinburgh!
Linda May Fox 20 August 2012

This is great. I like it. Can identify, Felt I was with you on that train. Good you can write it in this way. Enjoyed it!

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Angela Wybrow

Angela Wybrow

Salisbury, Wilts, UK
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Angela Wybrow
Salisbury, Wilts, UK
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