The Safe House Poem by Taslima Nasrin

Taslima Nasrin

Taslima Nasrin

Mymensingh / Bangladesh
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Taslima Nasrin
Mymensingh / Bangladesh
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The Safe House

Rating: 4.8

I'm compelled to live in such a house
Where I'm forbidden to say 'I like it not'
Though I feel aghast to live in here.

Such a safe house I live in
Where I'm destined to live and suffer
But cannot weep.
I must avoid eye contact with others
Lest I should expose my pains inconclusive.
In this house everyday at dawn
My longings are slaying and before evening descends
The pallid corpses are buried on its courtyard.

My deep sighs break the silence of the safe house
All other sounds are inconspicuous within and without the house.
Every night I go to bed trepidation,
And with the same feelings I wake up,
While awake, I subject my own shadow to a monologue.

I'm caught unawares by the invasion of a venomous snake,
Hurtling wrath and loathing, squirms all over my body
And hiss: Be off transcending boundaries
Hush-hush escape to a far off quaint land
Towards the impassable mountains.
While creeping around the shadow, the serpent demands:
Get lost forever.

Friends, do pray for me
For my safe exit, from the safe house,
Pray for my lucky sojourn,
Once in safety in an unsafe house.

[This poem was written while Taslima was forced to live in confinement in an undisclosed location in Delhi from 22 November 2007 to 19 March 2008. Sujal Bhattacharya translated this poem from her book PRISONERS POEMS]

Fabrizio Frosini 14 December 2015

Friends, do pray for me For my safe exit, from the safe house, Pray for my lucky sojourn, Once in safety in an unsafe house. - IN ITALIAN: Amici, pregate per me Perché io esca incolume dalla casa protetta, Pregate per un mio soggiorno fortunato, Una volta ch'io sia al sicuro in una casa pericolante.

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Dr Antony Theodore 16 August 2019

Such a safe house I live in Where I'm destined to live and suffer But cannot weep... I have read so many of your poems. your life, your sufferings.. i understand. tony

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Freni Karaluthara 12 April 2023

Hallo Theodore, bist du immer noch aktiv auf Poemhunter? Schön!

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Sylvia Frances Chan 11 February 2020

Friends, do pray for me For my safe exit, from the safe house, Pray for my lucky sojourn, Once in safety in an unsafe house. This poem was written while Taslima was forced to live in confinement in an undisclosed location in Delhi from 22 November 2007 to 19 March 2008. Nasrin moved to Sweden in 2008 and later worked as a research scholar at New York University. Since, as she claims, " her soul lived in India, " CONGRATS, TASLIMA! SFC Nederland

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Dr Antony Theodore 11 February 2020

Friends, do pray for me For my safe exit, from the safe house, Pray for my lucky sojourn, Once in safety in an unsafe house. living in cinfinement in New Delhi....... great poem full of emotions.. tony

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Nabakishore Dash 12 April 2023

I pray for a safe exit from the very unsafe house.

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Freni Karaluthara 12 April 2023

The readers are left with a sense of helplessness, but it also serves as a call to action, challenging us to strive for a more peaceful world. Congratulations on your poem being selected as the Poem of the Day.

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Freni Karaluthara 12 April 2023

The poem discusses the trials and tribulations you have endured. It vividly portrays the anguish you have experienced.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 12 April 2023

THREE: CONGRATULATIONS being chosen as The Modern Poem Of The Day! A very painful poem about a woman who wanted freedom of speech, but could not. This looks like in ancient days, but it is already the year of 2000

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Sylvia Frances Chan 12 April 2023

TWO: This is a loud cry for freedom of women's rights. Very sad poem but very fascinating to read it.5 stars for this sad poem. I am very indignant and deeply impressed.

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Taslima Nasrin

Taslima Nasrin

Mymensingh / Bangladesh
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Taslima Nasrin
Mymensingh / Bangladesh
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