The Postman Poem by Sadhu Binning

Sadhu Binning

Sadhu Binning

Chiheru, Punjabi, India
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Sadhu Binning
Chiheru, Punjabi, India
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The Postman

Rating: 5.0

in the dark
from the mouth of a radio clock
English words hit like a hammer
half opened eyes unstable feet
from toilet to kitchen
dead silence
a cup of tea a lunch bag
labeled clothes
take control of your body

sorting mail for Jacksons, Sandhus and Wongs
surroundedby people
who have learned life's secrets
from Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse
some of these 'brothers'
don't want to laugh with you
but at you
they don't even see you
they see an image
nailed in their heads
by the creators of Donald and Mickey

letters in your hand
rain on your head
every dog is a lion in its house
crooked high stairs
the cats watch you and jump away
buried under fliers from Sears and Bays
your back screams
still you watch your steps
and they watch you
through their half open curtains
Whites Blacks Indians Chinese
those kept in the house
have sharp eyes but limited vision
some of them see you as somebody
who goes on strike just to trouble them
you deliver letters
that travel from your hand
to the garbage pale
what once was
a tall and proud tree somewhere
piece by piece delivered to a garbage heap

you start with a handful
end with nothing
one year two years ten years
and then you count no more
along the way
your hair change their color
perhaps to make some
white man happy
the rest remains the same
to the end
yet piece by piece
you deliver yourself

Friday, October 5, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: labor
Chinedu Dike 28 January 2020

A poignant bit of verse written in persuasive expressions with conviction. An insightful creation. Thanks for sharing and do remain enriched.

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Jazib Kamalvi 06 October 2018

Write comment. Imagination, Sadhu. Read my poem, Love and Iust. Thanks

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Sadhu Binning

Sadhu Binning

Chiheru, Punjabi, India
follow poet
Sadhu Binning
Chiheru, Punjabi, India
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