The Ocean Is A Woman Poem by louis rams

louis rams

louis rams

new york city
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louis rams
new york city
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The Ocean Is A Woman

The ocean is a woman

One of the most beautiful sights you can see
Is the ocean as calm as can be.
when the sun shines upon it, it shines like a pane of glass
You pray that the image will forever last.
The ocean is a woman that will be as calm as can be
But when her anger rises the Crackin is set free.
" OH " the beauty of the ocean and so many tales it could tell
And the only sound heard is the ringing of the bell.

So many ships have gone down below to(DAVES LOCKER)
So many that we know.
Like the mother that she is, she will take her children and
No preference does she make as they float down
Their spirits she will take.
© L. RAMS 083018

Thursday, August 30, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: life and death
Practicing Poetess 02 September 2018

Capturing both the best and the worst of a woman- - No wonder men complain that they can't understand us! (LOL) But, seriously, the only 'mother' that I knew of who killed her children, was Leonardo de Caprio's wife in the film 'Shutter Island.' (Don't watch it just before bedtime, and don't watch it alone!)

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louie 02 September 2018

; will have to check out that movie

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Captain Cur 31 August 2018

A wonderful gift! A woman is the sea, beautiful, mysterious, dangerous, intoxicating, I could go on and on. Louis you have penned a brilliant, wonderful and insightful poem, as for Davy Jones' Locker, let us always keep a key handy in our top pocket.

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Louis Rams 31 August 2018

thank you my brother co poet and sea farer

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louis rams

louis rams

new york city
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louis rams
new york city
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