The Man Poem by Seitlhamo Motsapi

The Man

Rating: 3.5

an almost forgotten acquaintance
was in town recently
i noticed that it started raining
just as he ambled in

i remember him as a simple man
growing up, we all wanted
to be doctors, lawyers & teachers
so the blood could ebb out of the village

my friend had much more sober dreams
he asked the heavens to grant him
the imposing peace of the blue-gum in his backyard
& that all the poor send him their tears
so he could be humble like the sun
so the red wax of the stars would not drip onto him

i remembered that man today
& all i think of is his unassuming radiance
like that of a blushing angel

as for his dreams
he tells us
whole forests invade his sleep at night
so that there's only standing room
for the dreams

Denzel 23 August 2022

Is there any poetry essay on thid poem?

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Roshni Panday 28 January 2020

Looking for an analysis of the poem, The Man. there is nothing on google. would really appreciate your help. Thank you.

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Maxi Kleinhans 26 March 2019

Good afternoon, I would just like clarification on line 14. I'm an English teacher and have to prepare this poem for the new term. I can't seem to find any notes on this poem anywhere. You help would be appreciated. Kind regards

4 4 Reply
Stephanie Bauer 28 July 2021

I can't find an analysis either. I am urgently looking for it as I have to explain this to my learners. Any help would be appreciated.

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