The Lonely Hearts. Poem by Sandra Feldman

Sandra Feldman

Sandra Feldman

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Sandra Feldman
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The Lonely Hearts.

Rating: 5.0

The lonely hearts
They cry, alone
They've never had
Love, of their own,
Perhaps, a shadowed
Phantom, Love
That never really
Was, enough.

That in between
Dwindled away
Not even what to say
As emptiness,
Opened the doors
To solitude, sadness
And more,
A wasted-up life
A soul oppressed,
Any happiness,
And never blessed.

A barren land
Where no rose
Just bitter thorns
Of loneliness,
Where only
Sad winds, blew.


When loneliness takes over our heart, there grows " bitter thorns Of loneliness, Where only Sad winds, blew." Poignant, melancholy poem. Most touching and emotional. Top score, Sandra.

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Jayne Louise Davies 11 June 2022

Sad and very touching poem x Thank you for sharing x

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Richard Wlodarski 11 June 2022

So tragically sad that some have chosen to experience such an existence. Sandra, your heart wrenching poem perfectly captures the essence of loneliness. Top marks!

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Extremely sad poem. My heart wrenches in pain to read about the lonely hearts who have only seen thorns and never roses.

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So beautifully penned. i pray to God that no one should experience such a barren existence.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 15 June 2022

Liked the ultimate stanza the most. Very moving lines. To my Poem List.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 15 June 2022

A very heart - rending poem. So deeply poignant and touching that makes one cry. So well expressed that the words could penetrate your very soul.

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Sandra Feldman 13 June 2022

Good poets that understand, make life less painful and friendship, grand. Thank you, all.

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M. Asim Nehal 12 June 2022

A painful truth. Nicely presented the melancholy of loneliness. Full *****

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Dear Poetess Sandra, Top score for this touching poem.

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Sandra Feldman

Sandra Feldman

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Sandra Feldman
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