The Highest Degree Poem by ramesh rai

ramesh rai

ramesh rai

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ramesh rai
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The Highest Degree

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I knocked the doors of
school to schools
college to colleges
university to universities
with the request
to teach me and award me
with the highest degree
to make my life a perfect
and a praiseworthy.

All taught me
awarded me the degree
with an outstanding marks.

But after leaving the institution
I found those degrees were useless
simply a piece of paper
unable to make me stand even
on my feet, giving me bread
and shelter is quite afar.

Incidentally I met a traveler
who was on his eternal journey.

I requested him to let me know
the institution, that can award me
with the highest degree, to make me
self dependent with a worthy life.

The traveler spoke softly
the entire creation is an institution
where you can learn and
get the highest degree
to make your life a worthy.

Again I asked very humbly
the name of Principal of the institution
he said; his name is God.

So, as an obedient student
I approached the Principal
and prayed to teach me
and award me with the degree
befitting to my life
to be worthy, the highest degree
ever I could be awarded with.

With a mild smile
the Principal of the institution said
the highest degree is Submission.

But to get the highest degree
you have to cross so many examination.

The first step is Sincerity
like to recognize alphabet
which will help throughout.

The second step is Courage
giving you strength to proceed.

Third step is Patience; will teach you
not to be deviated from your path.

Next step is very important
will make you capable
to break the iron gate
the degree thus awarded
is called Devotion.

On obtaining the certificate of Devotion,
will be eligible for the highest degree
that is Submission.

If you can get the certificate of Submission
you will be perfect eligible
to sublime yourself with the entire creation
and your life will be a praiseworthy.

I realized
indeed a toughest exercise.

Monday, March 24, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: art
Ramesh Rai 10 April 2014

George T. Everette Every young man and woman needs to read this poem or a poem like it at lest once in their life

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Tirupathi Chandrupatla 26 March 2014

the entire creation is an institution where you can learn All we need are sincerity, courage, patience, devotion, and submission. Beautifully put. Thank you.

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ramesh rai

ramesh rai

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ramesh rai
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