The Halves And Half-Nots Poem by David Nelson Bradsher

The Halves And Half-Nots

Rating: 5.0

The suits are girded, rallying the troops
with power-point displays at Monday’s meeting,
explaining how a five-year fiscal “oops”
resulted in last week’s employee bleeding.

The room, half-full, was packed a week ago
when he appeared with earnest reverence,
and then on Friday glumly showed to show
employees to the door with severance;

but here today survivors line the room,
nodding and smiling with a false enjoyment,
and he holds court within the conference tomb
as last week’s cuts line up at unemployment.

Ernestine Northover 26 April 2008

Loved this one David, you have captured the business world so well, the cut throat existence. Here today and gone tomorrow. The crawling to get to the top. YUCKS! ! ! Very well written piece and a pleasure to read. Love and hugs Ernestine XXX

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Christine Austin Cole 26 April 2008

Now, now, David... I come to a place like this to escape realities like that! *sigh* This hits rather close to (corporate) home, actually. Which is to say... it's well done and impactful. I've not been here for a very long time and returned, just recently, to escape from long, stressful, caffeine infused days of working way too much in fact. I'd have guessed you might be absent from this place nowadays- and was pleasantly surprised to see your post upon peeking in today. Nice to bump into you again! Love the title, by the way. Take care - Christine

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David Nelson Bradsher

David Nelson Bradsher

Raleigh, North Carolina
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