The Golden Empress Poem by Falana Zion

Falana Zion

Falana Zion

Ekiti State, Nigeria
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Falana Zion
Ekiti State, Nigeria
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The Golden Empress

Rating: 5.0

Her love shines like the sun
Her smile as bright as the star
Her face is filled with ardent smile
Within her dwells a beautiful heart
Her love blooms and never die
Like the tree planted by the river side
She flourishes with her lovely heart

Within her dwells the river of tears
In her dwells the den of happiness
In her heart resides true love, smile and sadness
In her arms lives the fragrance of lovely scent
She hearkens to the earth's timeless rhymes
She cuddles even in time of fear
The fears she places on her neck to bear
At her sight, her children lingers like the flowers

I looked to the world to see her love
I discovered her love is unseen but in her words
Her love makes her the ruler of the world
Her love wakens the lone and the poor
Her love is specially braced and wrapped in heart
Her love has no rival
Her sine qua non love pervaded with God's fear
With her love, her children has nothing to fear

I love her, just as beautiful as she is
If I laugh she cries, I cry she cries
No full-time joy on her face
She reflects her love despite her countless flaws
She's the guide and teacher in the garden earth
The hope and cradle of life
I hope to make her proud
I will grow higher to repay her

Her children arise and call her blessed
Her husband praises her
Nature kowtows her lovely heart
Her bring forth the fruit of life
She's a mother, a phenomenal woman

Wednesday, January 2, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: mother
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Falana Zion

Falana Zion

Ekiti State, Nigeria
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Falana Zion
Ekiti State, Nigeria
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