The Gift Of Time Poem by adam reed

adam reed

adam reed

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adam reed
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The Gift Of Time

Rating: 5.0

I know your busy and you’ve got things to do
All I ask is for a little time to love you
Our time is short between your parents and school
I just wish your life would give me time to love you
Because I do
Im always desperate to show you
Though you change
I still believe I know you
I could show you that you know me too
All it would take is a little time to love you
These words come from more than my lips
No matter where you are
I want you to feel this
I miss you baby… and I want a little time to love you

JT 19 March 2021

Yesterday's history, tomorrow's a mystery, today's a gift... that's why we call it the ‘present'.

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Sally Plumb Plumb 15 May 2011

The gift of time is memory. You''ll have lots of both in the future.

1 1 Reply
Sally Plumb Plumb 15 May 2011

The gift of time is memories.The older the more you'll have.

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Jessica Fellows 03 May 2011

Awww that's so cute!

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adam reed

adam reed

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adam reed
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