The Fly Upon The Wall Poem by John Yaws

John Yaws

John Yaws

Gonzales Co., Texas, USA
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John Yaws
Gonzales Co., Texas, USA
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The Fly Upon The Wall

Rating: 5.0

I guess the most effective-
Of writers, great are small.
Is the one who is objective..
Like a "fly upon the wall".

Seeing, ever seeing;
To him one pays no mind.
And thusly, all unnoticed-
Remaining unentwined.

Untouched by human folly-
He's free to state his mind.
Untainted by their gossip,
The truth he's free to find.

Disinterest, is his cup of tea
Emotions play no part.
Thus he remains aloof from-
Affairs that tear the heart.

Poor fly, from lonely, arid perch
It's true you see it all.
The fickle crowd, and fleeting fame
And how the mighty fall.

Ah, look and see, and then describe
On words your life depends...
Poor fly! Most knowing of us all..
You're outside looking in.

The Fly Upon The Wall
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: contemplation
Smoky Hoss 27 March 2022

Wow, powerful. The finish is superb. An honest, deep and truthful 'look' at reality.

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Dr Antony Theodore 20 December 2020

I guess the most effective- Of writers, great are small. Is the one who is objective.. Like a " fly upon the wall" fine comparison. an emerging poet. tony

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David Paradine 13 December 2020

Enjoy your work, , , , , looks like you're on a jag

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Kim Barney 13 December 2020

To be a fly upon the wall; to see it all and not know why.

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John Yaws

John Yaws

Gonzales Co., Texas, USA
follow poet
John Yaws
Gonzales Co., Texas, USA
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