The Earth Speaks Poem by Lonnie Hicks

Lonnie Hicks

Lonnie Hicks

Chicago Ill
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Lonnie Hicks
Chicago Ill
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The Earth Speaks

Rating: 2.7

I am the Earth, your mother
and you are my children.

I am from
the cosmic dust
of a thousand, billion, trillion stars;
conceived in tumult,
I’ve endured millions asteroid hits
and cataclysmic comet shots.

Hot lava flowed over my face
volcanic steam;
my body seethed
for millions of years;
titanic explosions
my insides
blew up;
where time and time again,
asteroids destroyed all my life.
but I started again;
renewed it.

I have created
beautiful blue oceans
continents, and wood
greens, and life, life

I took from the seas
my tiniest amino
and created life;
one cell first,
then colonies
and then whole beings,

I nurtured these small creatures,

your brothers and sisters.

I also gave you the moon
for silver nights,
the stars for inspiration
a magnetic shield
to protect your from the burning rays of the sun;

I gave you food, trees and animals
so that you might thrive.

You are all my children
whom I have reared in paradise;
in a world of plenty.

I took you from the caves
and showed you fire
sacrificed my own wood trees
so that you might eat your food
gave you animal skins
of my own creations
to shelter you from winter.

Gave you water.

I showed you the beauty of the stars.
and too alas too
a brain big enough to study war.

And you did discover war;
you discovered hate;

you took my abundance
and transformed it
into destruction.

My forests now burn
ignited by your hand;
you have rent my face with mining scars
and quarries;
polluted my rivers and oceans
for beads and baubles;
and fleeting shiny things
for your amusements
and then you threw them away;
whole pollution mountains created.

There seems no retreat from you
and the relentlessness
with which you pursue
all this
for reasons
I do not fathom
my canopy ages.

Hear me my children;
my fate is entrapped
with yours,
whether you live
is whether I live,

what you do
can destroy my oceans
and life itself.

I will return to being a cold rocky world
in the rushing void;
my blues
will become grey
and then black.

Hear me my children
for we are family.

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Lonnie Hicks

Lonnie Hicks

Chicago Ill
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Lonnie Hicks
Chicago Ill
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