Like Gog and Magog they attack
With a black flag and faces black.
Like cancer they quickly spread
Into rotten minds of hearts dead.
Their creed is killing and fear
The slaves of Bush and Tony Blair.
They on corn and oil feast
sucking the blood of the one-eyed beast.
With devilish attire and beards serpentine
They claim doing the will divine.
Those they kill they put pile over pile
To make a hiding place for Chris Kyle.
They by heart sing the Skull-spangled banner
For they bore the mark of Charles Graner.
Of tin are made their hearts and livers
For they drink from their bloody rivers.
Our land hates their footsteps, the air
Abhors their breath and smell,
And the water curses their thirsty hell,
Deadly darkness and fiendish flair.
Death marched before their ugly faces
And from behind counted their paces.
They are nothing but Satan's seed
And the first offshoot of Cain and his breed,
Of the Zombies and the vampires:
The progeny of the prince of the liars.
They claim to be the vanguards of Islam
While they are the servants of uncle Sam
Who further walls the sandy state
With bloodshed, destruction, rape and hate.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem