The Day... Poem by Michelle Hanes

Michelle Hanes

Michelle Hanes

New York
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Michelle Hanes
New York
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The Day...

Rating: 4.5

The Day was like any other
Cold in winter, with a hint of snow

I sat on a computer while staring
At a clock until it was time ago

School is a place like the wild
With great birds, lions, tigers and more

I dreaded having to go in there
But I knew I had to go through that door

The Day at school was like any other
Full of kids, with a hint of work

The meanies and bullies had taken over
Over, wherever they would lurk

School is not what made this day
Horrid, as grotesque as it was

It was bad but when asked why
I would say just because

The long trip home was like any other
Loud as ever, with a hint of annoyance

Girl versus boy, front and back
Continued just like always

The bus driver tried to no avail,
Didn't give me any reassurance

The shouting, the screaming, I don't know
How the bus driver kept them at their bays

My After-school time was like any other
Hectic as ever, with a hint of arguement

My parents argued like always,
But I could tune it out

But even then, I would still shudder
With every scream and shout

What they argued about, I don't know
And still don't too this day

Sometimes I wish I just walked in and
Showed I noticed by shouting 'Hey! '

But That Arguement was not like any other,
Louder than usual, with no hint of stopping

I remembered the shows I watched and
Feared of hearing a 'pop-pop-popping'

No gunshots rang out though, just screams
That I managed to try and sleep through

But when they turned to sirens...

The Day started like any other,
Cold in winter, with a hint of snow

But when i got home, everything
Changed for then and forever more.

A true story...
Khairul Ahsan 25 December 2013

A well written poem. 'I dreaded having to go in there But I knew I had to go through that door' Many children have dreadful experience of their school, which ideally should be a place that they enjoy and look forward to going. 'The meanies and bullies had taken over Over, wherever they would lurk' This is a menacing experience.

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Michelle Hanes

Michelle Hanes

New York
follow poet
Michelle Hanes
New York
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