The Dangerous Game Poem by Richard Randolph

The Dangerous Game

Rating: 5.0

Perhaps the world is a living thing,
and we are merely parasites living on it.
At first, so small and insignificant
no one could imagine our causing any real harm,
and so we fed on, greedily and without remorse
as parasites do, but now it has become clear
we have sickened the Earth almost to death.
Oh, it's a dangerous game parasites play,
slowly devouring their host all the while knowing
that when it dies, they must abandon ship or die, too.
Some are already searching the skies for another host,
but this merely indicates our desperate situation.
There are no viable alternatives,
and so we are finally beginning to realize,
what we should have known all along,
that our fates are tied together.
The only hope is to transform the relationship
from parasite and host to a child and its mother,
but that will require a more fundamental change in attitude:
The Earth can no longer be something we merely use;
it has to be something we love.

Monday, November 15, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: Ecology,Environment,mother earth,fate
Richard Wlodarski 03 April 2023

I think that the countries that are making a positive effort should be used as a prime example to follow. Corporations who are contributing to the problem should be hit below the belt. Indeed an excellent tribute to Mother Earth!

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Sandra Feldman 02 April 2023

How deep and wise and correct this great poem. Is. I would advise all who have clear mind and feelings to read and rejoice in its wisdom, veracity and depth. And them praise its very wise creator.

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David Wood 15 November 2021

We have very little time to make the changes to reduce global warming. I hope we can all do it.

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Rick Randolph 16 November 2021

Yes, I agree, and I'm glad you liked my poem.

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