The Daily Walk Poem by Jesus Diaz Llorico

Jesus Diaz Llorico

Jesus Diaz Llorico

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Jesus Diaz Llorico
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The Daily Walk

'As I went out for a daily walk
My way of seeing how nature talk
With a mind honed to this pleasant sight
Bestowed in this path of fine delight

From a distance, something caught my eye
And it was a dazzling butterfly
That it was perched in the bending grass
Right on the trail where I always pass

For a moment I just stop and stare
And find that it's seemly not aware
That it brings joy and delightful cheer
To someone who can be far or near

Though others may ask, as well as I
Why I want to catch the butterfly
Maybe the colors that seems so bright
That it sweep this trail with ample light

When I approached it just simply fly
It spun around that it make me sigh
And it just transferred to nearby grass
With wings flapping like a crystal glass

But I'm not out for this butterfly
Though it was a beauty to my eye
It just prolonged my afternoon fun
And that is to watch the setting sun

This walk left me with a tender smile
That even if I was lost awhile
The joy it gave as it fluttered by
It was simply a nice butterfly.'

Sunday, August 31, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: art
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Jesus Diaz Llorico

Jesus Diaz Llorico

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Jesus Diaz Llorico
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