Our soul is not colorless
Our soul has no color
Our soul has no odor
Like our body, which is much less
Important and mortal
Our soul is intangible
Immortal, eternal
Spiritual and invisible
Man is pretty backward
Incomprehensible, controversial
Unpredictable, abnormal
And strange like a mad nerd
Our soul is not black, not white
I know that I am right
Okay, our soul is neither black nor white
This nonsense about being light
Will end up in the sepulcher
That's the work of Mother Nature
We all will burn or rot somewhere
I have no choice but to go there
Because many of you don't get it
Many of you don't understand it
Our body will fail, foil, fault and spoil
But our soul will never touch the soil
Our soul is spotless and invisible
Under the most advanced infra-red light
Our soul is not black or white
Our soul is the same with a different core
I've said enough. Think, think. No more.
Copyright © April 2018, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several books of poetry.
One wonders why we need to know about the so-called soul. A word invented in our language. Does that mean it exists? If mankind invents a word it must be extant. Are we really so gullible?