The Bogus-Boo Poem by jade murphy

jade murphy

jade murphy

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jade murphy
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The Bogus-Boo

The Bogus - boo
is a creature who
Comes out at night - and why?
He likes the air
He likes to scare
The nerves passes - by.

Out from the dark
He comes with huffling pad.
If, when alone,
you hear his moan,
Tis like to drive you mad.

He has two wings,
Pathetic things,
With which he cannot fly.
His tusks look feirce,
Yet could not peirce
The merest butterfly.

He has six ears,
But what he hears
Is a very faint small;
And with the claws
On his eaight paws
He cannot scratch at all.

He looks so wise
With his owl - eyes,
His aspect grim and ghoulish;
But truth to tell,
He sees not well
And is distinctly foolish.

This Bogus-boo,
What can he do
But huffle in the dark?
So don't take fright;
He has no bite
And very little bark.

Henry 30 April 2019

Im inforth grade and I m practicing this poem to

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Tonia B 05 May 2012

It appears as if you are claiming to have written this poem. You need to give proper credit to the author, James Reeves, so that people do not get the impression that you are attempting to plagerize his work, which would destroy your own credibility and call everything you HAVE written into question. I am sure that this is an honest mistake on your part.

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Jade Murphy 10 January 2007

Hi Jade Murphy, I'm the Other Jade Murphy, I loved this poem, i had to learn it off by heart when i was in yr4,7 yrs ago. I love It. Thank you for the lovely comment on my poem by the way. I hope to read more! ! ! !

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jade murphy

jade murphy

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jade murphy
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