The Best Dad Poem by Aminat Opatola

Aminat Opatola

Aminat Opatola

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Aminat Opatola
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The Best Dad

A priceless jewel,
built of the finest sand,
a creature of probity grown amidst virtuous of glory.
A prefect guidian, idle and willed hearted,
a crystalline stone glowing among thousands of rocks.
A small god mine shall cherish apart from the most high,
o happy i was born his daughter on the day heaven set me free,
born into his shield a great blessing God offers me begone.
He is an hero, if possible a legend,
a worldly angel, a real alubarika, a kind hearted fellow who lives more for his offspring rathan than himself.
Money says not the best dad, but a liege does whoms honor blows more through our lives in spite of all odds.
He is a special dew drop in the breeze of morn,
a perfect subduer, responsible in all ways.
Am proud to have him as a dad.
Opatola whose sun and glory shine from the zenith like beautiful stars in space.
He is a confined, scrupulous good man,
who lifts his daughters and sons and give them hope in life children could ever wish for.
Oh! The soul of this great man shall not die but live long till the days his hairs are grey so as to enjoy the fruit in which he has laboured.
He is a true realm amidst bright eyes and faces,
he is a star far above the sky which sorrows cannot meet.
So nigh is grandeur to the dust,
so near is God to man.
And so important is his duty are to his family.
I can't thank him enough.
I dedicate this poem to him for his brave endeavor when duty calls.
He is the most bravest, lovely and gratifying of all fathers on earth
forever you are always the best.
love u dad.

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Aminat Opatola

Aminat Opatola

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Aminat Opatola
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