The Beauty In Each One Poem by Jim Yerman

Jim Yerman

Jim Yerman

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Jim Yerman
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The Beauty In Each One

We saw her again this morning…as our walk came to a close…
alongside our neighbor's fence…a solitary rose.

Alongside this fence…year in…year out…is, invariably, where she grows…
reminding us of the beauty that exists within a single rose.

Every year, as her bloom returns, she is a welcome guest…
reminding us how another year has past…
and how our life is truly blessed.

We often think how our children and grandchildren have set our world aglow…
how lucky we have been to watch our family grow.

But each year as we welcome back this single rose…as her pink bloom we, once again see…we take a few moments to think about each child and grandchild…individually.

We think back to the day they were born…remembering moments in their life along the way…and we marvel at the person they were…and who the are today.

We find, when we take the time to look at each child…
although, each year, the person we see has been revised…
we are never disappointed and always pleasantly surprised.

Looking at each child and grandchild this way…
listening to each individual voice…
in each moment of reflection…allows us a moment to rejoice…

Which is probably why a single rose blooming along a fence
when she returns can evoke in us…a feeling so intense…

For when we take the time to look at each person
through their trumps and their woes….
we understand and truly appreciate…
the beauty of each rose.

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Jim Yerman

Jim Yerman

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Jim Yerman
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