The Battle Within Poem by Ojeikpo Elijah

Ojeikpo Elijah

Ojeikpo Elijah

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Ojeikpo Elijah
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The Battle Within

A battle rages deep inside
Flesh versus spirit, they collide,
The war within, a constant fight,
A struggle born from day to night.

The flesh desires all that's sweet
A craving it cannot defeat
For worldly pleasures, it will yearn,
And leave the spirit to burn.

But the spirit, it seeks what's pure
A higher calling, to endure,
It longs to follow in God's way
And in His light, forever stay.

These two forces, they clash and clash,
One leading to a downward crash
The other, towards the eternal light,
But oh, what a difficult sight.

The flesh tempts with its lustful ways,
While the spirit cries out, 'God, please stay'
And in this war, we must choose,
Which one to let our hearts enthuse.

For if we walk in spirit's grace,
The fleshly desires will be erased.
But if we give in to its whim
The spirit's voice will become dim.

So let us heed the spirit's call,
And rise above the flesh's thrall
For in this war, we hold the key
To determine our destiny,
Flesh versus spirit, a never-ending fight.

But with God's help, we'll choose what's right,
And though the battle may still rage,
In the end, the spirit will engage.

Sunday, September 1, 2024
Topic(s) of this poem: spirituality
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Ojeikpo Elijah

Ojeikpo Elijah

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Ojeikpo Elijah
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