The Adversary Poem by George Krokos

George Krokos

George Krokos

Samos, Greece (Now lives in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
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George Krokos
Samos, Greece (Now lives in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
follow poet

The Adversary

Rating: 5.0

A while ago I came across an adversary
and it seemed he wasn't doing very well;
he was full of doubt and much negativity
lacking the inspiration to get out of hell.

The best he could do was to cast doubt
'n fear around like a sharp edged sword
plagiarise from some books lines about
what had been written there as a record.

He was very good at doing what he did
it seemed, by all of the noise he made,
that at times under a false humility hid
the demon within of which God forbade.

He also managed to overwhelm a few
and gather around him those who were
much like himself unable to see through
the darkness within of their mind's blur.

He seemed to know every trick in the book
and would hide many of them up his sleeve
to cajole other people into his fold by hook
extending them a helping hand to deceive.

Whenever someone new would come along
there he'd be with a forked tongue to brag
of doubtful words about their heart's song
in such a way just to impress and to snag.

He didn't like it at all when others around
ignored or didn't respond to what he said
going all out by trying them to confound
with doubt and fear cast at them in dread.

If someone got annoyed and reacted in a way
that was against the local rules, he reported;
by knowing that he had the upper hand to say,
to those in charge, a victim is to be deported.

This would happen only once in a while when
they were caught unaware of the game played
not knowing the local rules to advantage then
except by him who all such conceit displayed.

If you happen to be one of the lucky ones and
get yourself kicked out of the place for a while
don't be too hard on yourself and to understand
that what you've learned there was by his guile.

As far as I know he's still into his doubt 'n fear
and gets away with it at a God forsaken place
where if by fate you stumble across or be near
please have courage and do not ever lose face.

Thursday, January 25, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: courage,darkness,deception,doubt,fear,game,words
Frank James Ryan Jr...fjr 25 January 2018

Impressive work, indeed...In particular, a structural movement that is virtually flawless... Like your employment of elision in the closing stanza...thought I was the only one left who still used it on occasion.Solid Crafting ~FjR-'18~

1 1 Reply
George Krokos 01 February 2018

Thanks for reading Frank and the appreciative comments given about the poem. I'll make an effort to read a few of yours as I'm sure they will be interesting. Greetings to you.

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George Krokos

George Krokos

Samos, Greece (Now lives in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
follow poet
George Krokos
Samos, Greece (Now lives in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
follow poet
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