The Abused Wife Poem by Donna Nimmo

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Donna Nimmo

Donna Nimmo

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Donna Nimmo
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The Abused Wife

Rating: 5.0

She drive's into her neighborhood
Her heart starts racing
She knows he's been pacing
She can't explain what took so long
She knows she won't be understood
He won't listen to what she has to say
He will be so angry that she didn't stay
She only went to the corner store
He will blame her for so much more
He will accuse her of meeting a man
She hurried so fast, she almost ran
He will scream and slap her across the room
Break things, even beat her with a broom
If she's lucky only bruises this time
Or sent to the hospital because of this slime
He will beg her forgiveness and to take him back
He's so sorry, he says for that last whack
He's not ever going to change
His promises won't last the long range
He will send her flowers, maybe jewelry too
So she will forgive him, and not be so blue
He'll say he's so sorry, won't happen again
Why did you make me do it? He will begin
Loving him so much she will risk her life
He said he didn't mean to cause her strife
Don't believe a word he says, all lies like the past
The promises he makes aren't going to last
Believe in yourself, you can make it alone
Take your life back, without a broken bone
People that haven't been there don't understand
You have so much fear, under such a demand
You are a good person and deserve so much more
Than being slapped around and kicked to the floor
You can always find help from people who care
Or you can file charges, he wouldn't dare
Abusers don't change, their lies just get better
I've been there too, that's why this letter

Sweet Seven 21 November 2005

bad husband! very bad! ... but good poem! very good poem! =)

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David Gerardino 21 November 2005

DONNA, you worked on this poem, the sad part is its probly true, still a nice poem,

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Dr Antony Theodore 10 June 2016

He will accuse her of meeting a man She hurried so fast, she almost ran He will scream and slap her across the room Break things, even beat her with a broom.........loving him she forgives him.... psychological problems in married life. so many are suffering like this. jealousy can become a sickness which will destroy the joy of life...... thank you very much for this great poem in which you are portraying some truths of life. tony

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Kim Barney 06 December 2014

Wonderfully written. You really told it the way it needs to be said.

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Charley60 K 28 November 2005

Oh, yes, this is good, this is it, this is the way it is -this is what needed to be said, because the only thing that gets better are the lies. I enjoyed reading this so much Donna. SO much.....your writing is simply beautiful

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Samantha lynn 28 November 2005

WOW '' that was really bad.. great poem but....! just very bad did that really happen to you? ? really good poem shows you know what your writting about! ♥ Samantha

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Simon Whild 22 November 2005

A definitie poem of domestic abuse. Very hard-hitting and it made me hope that this wasn't really you, Donna

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142 / 112
Donna Nimmo

Donna Nimmo

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Donna Nimmo
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