Thank You Lord Poem by Valsa George

Valsa George

Valsa George

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Valsa George
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Thank You Lord

Rating: 4.5

Thank you Lord for each dawn that breaks
For every happy hour, it brings
Thank you for granting one more year
To see your glory and kneel in prayer

Thank you for the breeze that blows
For every lovely flower that blooms
For each silvery star that twinkles
Proclaiming your love that never dwindles

Thank you for friends who always stand by
And through love n' kindness add to our joy
Thank you for silent words of solace uttered
When in pain, words of disgust muttered

Thank you for all those we chance to meet
Who, with smiles and kindness gladly greet
And add to our sense of self worth
Making our lives lovelier on this Earth

Thank you for your hovering care
During trying times of wear and tear
Thank you for your silent voice
That always makes our hearts rejoice

Thank you for all the trials you send
That makes our weak shoulders bend
For it is then we look up to Heaven
And all our binding chains loosen! !

A humble supplication to you my Lord:

As violently churned in the current of turbulent times
When deceit, as never before, darkly engulfs human lives
We pray Thee! Come down to effect change of hearts
That no hapless soul be hunted down with piercing darts!


Monday, December 31, 2012
Topic(s) of this poem: god,gratitude
Randy Hogan 03 January 2013

Thank you LORD for saving my soul, Thank you LORD for ever blessing you pass my way Randy ~*~ .

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Xelam Kan™ 04 January 2013

technically in content and in structure the poem is remarkable but all urs thank giving seems to me a bit Utopian in nature.... the world is not seem to me so smooth and thankful.... its a frightful voyage across the time, that blessed miseries only...(apology for my pessimism) anyhow i like your optimism and wish could see its turn out...we all love peace.......

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Kee Thampi 04 January 2013

a truly loving care for thy heart to pray for me love Thank you for your hovering care During trying times of wear and tear Thank you for your silent voice That always makes our hearts rejoice

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Lyn Paul 31 December 2012

Thank you Valsa. I truly love this and have saved it for that special read. Bless you

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Heather Wilson 01 January 2013

So many times we forget to give thanks, so well said in this lovely poem. thank YOU.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 01 December 2018

A beautiful devotional prayer with gratitude to God has been astutely and incisively delineated. The following lines are much impressive. A humble supplication to you my Lord: As violently churned in the current of turbulent times When deceit, as never before, darkly engulfs human lives We pray Thee! Come down to effect change of hearts That no hapless soul be hunted down with piercing darts! Thanks for sharing this spiritual poem with us.10

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Chinedu Dike 02 September 2015

Beautiful devotional and thanksgiving piece, that acknowledges the Divine Mercy Of God, His Omniscience Omnipotence Omnipresence Nature, with total submission to His Will. A brilliant poem nicely penned with spiritual insight. Thanks for sharing Prof and do remain blessed.

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David Wood 22 April 2013

Very telling words, a real tribute. A beautiful poem.

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Neela Nath Das 06 January 2013

I loved the silver lining which helps me to live a wonderful life.Thanks for telling the words of my heart!

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Jahan Zeb 04 January 2013

Thanks Velsa for this optimistic and well knitted poem. I love it all the way. Indeed we should be thankful to our God for all the things he has given us. I loved the Sixth quatrain that really is meaningful. When God want us to be strong he tests us and we come out of those tests strong. Very well Written.

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Valsa George

Valsa George

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Valsa George
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