Thank You For The Blood Almighty God Poem by Qiniso Mogale

Qiniso Mogale

Qiniso Mogale

Dvokolwako Swaziland
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Qiniso Mogale
Dvokolwako Swaziland
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Thank You For The Blood Almighty God

Rating: 5.0

Were it not for your humbling sacrifice
where would I be?
Were it not for your taxing sacrifice
where would I be?
Were it not for your unconditional love
where would I be?
Were it not for your undeserved mercy and love
where would I be?

Were it not for your amazing grace
where would I be?
Were it not for your saving grace
where would I be?
Were it not for your unmerited favor
where would I be?

Had You not poured out all heaven to earth
in the form of Christ
where would I be?
Had Christ not shed His Blood for my sins
where would I be?
Thank you for the Blood of Christ Almighty God!

Were it not for Christ's Blood
I would for all eternity condemned
Were it not for Christ's Blood
I would for all eternity be damned
Were it not for Christ's Blood
I would for all eternity be spiritually dead
So thank you for the Blood Almighty God
Thank you for the Blood Almighty God.

Monday, April 9, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: modern
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Qiniso Mogale

Qiniso Mogale

Dvokolwako Swaziland
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Qiniso Mogale
Dvokolwako Swaziland
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