Ronald Chapman

Ronald Chapman

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Ronald Chapman
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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Take My Hand (Secret Message Poem) Comments

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Take my hand, heart and soul.
Me and you are at the beginning of love.
Back to back we guard our hearts.
Into our dreams this new love springs.
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Ronald Chapman
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F J Thomas 06 August 2014 Monk, only the ones who give any substance to that statement -.- Ron your work is touching; though it can be hard to love someone who has wronged you with has much openness. After time we forget to show each other that same enthusiasm; you've reminded us beautifully.

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Chuy Amante 06 August 2014

I caught that secret, very nicely done ps. all women are crazy especially the ones that disagree with this statement

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Ronald Chapman

Ronald Chapman

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Ronald Chapman
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