Sweet Poetry Poem by Rod M.Peters

Sweet Poetry

Sweet Poetry pouring light
Reached down from her lofty land,
On my lidless fish-eyes laid her hand
And gave me a newborn sight.

Then pulled me out of the shoal
Made me a citizen of the world
My old scales softly hurled
And whispered of a worthier goal.

Thursday, January 26, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: inspiration,poetic expression,poetry
Bri Edwards 07 February 2017

maybe a comma instead of a period at end of second line. and some other punctuation changes in stanza two perhaps. My old scales softly hurled And whispered of a worthier goal............is/are Sweet Poetry OR the scales doing the hurling and whispering. so, Sweet Poetry is your Muse? a helpful note perhaps: i have found that it is interesting to read a poet's response to a poem comment, but the poet's response only seems to show up on the poem's page. SO, if you don't expect a reader to return to look for a response, you MIGHT wish to also send the response to the reader as a message, OR just send as a message and 'the heck with' other readers! ! bri :) i VERY RARELY would think to return to a page to look for a response to a comment i've left. but i always send a response to a reader who has left a comment, using PH's message system. bri :) the scales part was not clear to me. were scales representative of your past habits/attitudes/style of writing poetry. you may take that as a rhetorical question. bri :)

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Rod Mendieta 08 February 2017

Hi Bri, Thanks for your suggestions, much appreciated. Will also use the message system to communicate more effectively with other poets. All the best to you...Rod

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Chinedu Dike 26 January 2017

Beautiful piece of poetry, well articulated and nicely penned in good rhyme scheme with conviction. Thanks for sharing Rod.

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Rod Mendieta 27 January 2017

Thanks Chinedu. The best reward is always finding someone who enjoys your work. All the best to you.

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Rod M.Peters

Rod M.Peters

San José, Costa Rica
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