Caring poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best caring poems ever written. Read all poems about caring.
A house that lacks, seemingly, mistress and master,
With doors that none but the wind ever closes,
Its floor all littered with glass and with plaster;
It stands in a garden of old-fashioned roses.
God knew that I need someone
To keep as a treasure in my heart.
Someone who is so true
Fine and caring.
My son, I can see so many good things in you
And here I am really honest and true.
My son, I love it when your caring heart opens wide
When I had a headache you came and sat by my side
For if life is a tall tender tree,
For then, life is joy, life is free.
The tree is dancing in the air, sunny or showers,
With his joy, with his love, with his flowers.
The wind whistles eerily, as the storm approaches,
it gradually encroaches, taking over
like some unscrupulous military machine,
giving way to no one,
Imagine that there is no heaven
Above us only a sky
Imagine that there is no religion
To create controversy and lies.
After years of caring;
Comes the day, when the children depart,
for pastures new, for them a new start,
Atish Dipankar Srigya
Attained in Himalayas,
And out of deep concern,
Love is love as we all understand
as far as our mind and heart can comprehend
it is the most caring heart at hand
and the sweetest mind to understand
When Spring makes her graceful appearance
Like a pretty maiden,
Making her presence felt like a model,
Mainly in parks, lakes and gardens,
Expel all hatred from thy heart
Revenge, fire, will tear thee apart.
Expel all anger from thy mind
No thoughts like these of any kind.
Love is a Beautiful Sweet Feeling
Love is Caring and Sharing
Love is Forever, True Happiness
Love is Sunshine, Rain; Rainbow
When love resides in heart
The head makes body to dance
Life enjoys moments
Tic tac tic toe tic tac
The conversation of prayers about to be said
By the child going to bed and the man on the stairs
Who climbs to his dying love in her high room,
The one not caring to whom in his sleep he will move
“Gabble-gabble,… brethren,… gabble-gabble!”
My window frames forest and heather.
I hardly hear the tuneful babble,
Not knowing nor much caring whether
Though the globe appears huge, Yet often I doubt,
A step-up, a step-out, and that’s what is all about.
Few set of ticks to carry, number of miles to chase,
Despite fixed quota, our mammoth desires to raise.
I guess it was my aunty's fault
That before I was six years old
It were my looks that made me happy
She just never stopped praising me
Woman… Woman… o' my loving woman
A woman is by far an Excellency
A woman is like a Baobab tree
A woman can grow to any length
This is not water running here,
These thick rebellious streams
That hurtle flesh and bone past fear
Down alleyways of dreams
When you walked in my life
You wiped my tears
When you walked in my life
You built my heart strong
When did we stop caring
How can we explain
World of tragedy, world of pain
Flames of despair scorch the earth, skies weep with sorrow,
Not a good time
Twenty twenty four is the year
The British Labour Party
Declared war
Clad in dove hue gown a nurse
With smile on lips enlivening
Penned down dad's temperature.
To CARE-FOR-LIFE is to love life.
One of the last frontiers,
To visit and witness.
And sometimes for others,
caring heart's among most precious vessels;
caring heart with scruples never wrestles;
caring heart can encompass the whole world;
caring heart's both vulnerable 'n stalwart;
The Ox
Key Traits: Strong-willed, determined, ambitious, stubborn
Likes: Jade, emeralds, sports, gardening, music
Dislikes: Feeling insecure, playing games, making small-talk
The kind and the caring are great people indeed
Though of more of their sort the Human World is in need
They are on the side of the poor and oppressed
And caring for others is the thing they do best
American idiot enthused Green Day
American idiot doesn't know whether he's coming or going
Comfortable to mess up presidential candidates every which way
Not caring whether a rude and crude candidate is winning or losing.
Smart, sharp and worrisome
Calm, sober and reflective
Writing a poem is not about bringing some words together to create some charming sentences. It's so much deeper than that. Writing poetry is a bridge that allows people to express their feelings and make others live every single word they read. Poetry is to educate people, to lead them away from hate to love, from violence to mercy and pity. Writing poetry is to help this community better understand life and live it more passionately. contains an enormous number of famous poems from all over the world, by both classical and modern poets. You can read as many as you want, and also submit your own poems to share your writings with all our poets, members, and visitors.