Sway Moon Poem by Tailor Bell

Tailor Bell

Tailor Bell

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Tailor Bell
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Sway Moon

Rating: 5.0

Full moon jags
Round this little town
Swinging low and deep
Within without a sound
Rocking through some hearts
Passing brightly by a few
Rolling house after house
Picking out quarters for
Shiny piggies and saying
Come out and taste me
Hiders trust me now
Let me return your wishes
Reflect your lustful stare
Deny your precious touches
Cover you slowly unaware

Sean North 21 October 2006

i lovezzz it Tailor, , , , MoSt EnJoYaBLe

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Patricia Gale 21 October 2006

Splendid piece Tailor, well done!

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gone gone 21 October 2006

Tailor Gorgeous painting, this poem.......wonderful...thanks! ! Love, D.

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Sandra Fowler 05 February 2007

Lyrical, playful and altogether charming. Wonderful write, Tailor. Warm regards, Sandra

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Not a member No 4 25 January 2007

A terrific personification of that big prisoner of ours, that big searchlight in the sky, Tailor. And you give it such a knowing and playful character too. This is a pretty likeable moon. How could we resist going out for a bit of fun with this cheeky guy who's also sharp-eyed and decent enough to point out where our loose change is lying! It - sorry, he/she, is going to look a whole different to me from now on. Wizard writing as usual. jim

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Melvina Germain 27 October 2006

I find this truly artful piece of poetry very sensual, seductive and naughty in a way. I love it, great job Tailor.---Melvina---

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Alison Cassidy 26 October 2006

Tailor, this is a brilliant shining poem - lyrical and seductive. The moon followed me home tonight and now I find your Sway Moon. Serendipity perchance? love, Allie xxxx

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Frank James Ryan Jr...fjr 22 October 2006

tAILOR...LONG TIME...HOW HAVE YA BEEN? ....Nice succinct write, here...I enjoyed th' Read''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''FJR

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Tailor Bell

Tailor Bell

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Tailor Bell
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