Superhero Complex Poem by Philip St. Cyr

Philip St. Cyr

Philip St. Cyr

Brooklyn, NY
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Philip St. Cyr
Brooklyn, NY
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Superhero Complex

I am looking down at the city below while I'm flying
no, I'm not Superman;
I'm in an airplane, so you can just call me Clark Kent
Back down on ground there are a sea of faces
I blend in perfectly with them,
because it seems no one can see me
So you can just call me the invisible man
At times, I wonder what it be like to be Batman,
superstar by day, superhero by night
it makes me wish I could spread my wings...
But, when I enter a gym, I'm more like the Incredible Hulk…
in my own mind of course
Although I'm strong, I'm usually always getting caught up in sticky situations
and just like Spider-man, sometimes I'm only hanging on by a thread
But when I daydream, I live in my own world;
At that moment I become Green Lantern, so the world is what I make it
I spent most of my life, searching for a Superwoman
or maybe it was Wonder Woman
because the only wonder is, if I'll ever find her
Sometimes I wish that I could make time stand still
or at least move so fast that it would appear as if it's standing still
and I could breeze by like I'm The Flash;
Then slow down, before I transform into the Human Torch
But I wouldn't need speed if I could multiply myself so that I'm everywhere,
having different versions of myself all controlled by me…
Call me Dr. Manhattan
I'll admit that sometimes I am not really sure who I want to be
But in the meantime, I will be the best version of myself
and try to find the hero that lurks buried inside.

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Philip St. Cyr

Philip St. Cyr

Brooklyn, NY
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Philip St. Cyr
Brooklyn, NY
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