Dr. Antony Theodore

Dr. Antony Theodore

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Dr. Antony Theodore
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Sunday, June 10, 2018

Sun Is A Symbol Of God's Energy Comments

Rating: 5.0

Sun is a symbol of God's energy

Add the energy released
by the sun plus the sum
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Dr. Antony Theodore
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Rini Shibu 11 June 2018

Wonderful equation of God's love

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Kumarmani Mahakul 10 June 2018

The title of the poem Sun Is A Symbol Of God's Energy attracts me to go through this poem. The expression you made is fantastic. There is reality in the inscription. Great write.10

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Kostas Lagos 10 June 2018

A great mystical poem.Love it.

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Dr. Antony Theodore

Dr. Antony Theodore

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Dr. Antony Theodore
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