Sun Is A Symbol Of God's Energy Poem by Dr. Antony Theodore

Dr. Antony Theodore

Dr. Antony Theodore

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Dr. Antony Theodore
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Sun Is A Symbol Of God's Energy

Rating: 5.0

Sun is a symbol of God's energy

Add the energy released
by the sun plus the sum
total of the energy released
by all the other stars
in the firmament
concentrated together.

Multiply that energy
by infinity and transpose
it into love,
into pure unadulterated loving.

This is the loving
that bonded God The Father
to the human beings
from all eternity
to draw us back into God
who first conceived us.

(Sun is a symbol for God's energy. Like most symbols they are no more than a shadow of the reality that they symbolize)

Sunday, June 10, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: energy,eternity,god,infinity,love and life,stars,sun,symbolic
Rini Shibu 11 June 2018

Wonderful equation of God's love

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Kumarmani Mahakul 10 June 2018

The title of the poem Sun Is A Symbol Of God's Energy attracts me to go through this poem. The expression you made is fantastic. There is reality in the inscription. Great write.10

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Kostas Lagos 10 June 2018

A great mystical poem.Love it.

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Dr. Antony Theodore

Dr. Antony Theodore

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Dr. Antony Theodore
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