Summer School Vacation (E.T.A.L.B.E.) Poem by Luke Easter

Luke Easter

Luke Easter

Cleveland, Ohio
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Luke Easter
Cleveland, Ohio
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Summer School Vacation (E.T.A.L.B.E.)

Rating: 1.0

Summer vacation is almost here & surely you will play,
But do not let these games be the highlight of your day,
For there is only one way to accomplish all your needs,
As the most important thing that you can do is, “READ! ”

Baseball, basketball, football, no ball, whatever you like,
Ok, swimming, camping, golf, tennis or even flying a kite,
School’s out for twelve weeks in the fall you will go back,
So, spend some time in educational areas where you lack.

The purpose of any school curriculum is to learn and grow,
You cannot go to the next 1 if the 1 before you don’t know,
The government has a policy called, “No child left behind, ”
But that’s exactly what will happen if it’s not in your mind.

I have a friend, who teaches telling his students the very first day,
We're beginning a new semester everyone starts out with an “A, ”
But it’s your responsibility throughout the year to keep it that way,
So, why is it more than half the class at that level will fail to stay?

To find any answer or when in doubt, where would you look?
At the movies, on television, a playground, how about books?
“Excellence Through Advanced Learning by Bible Education, ”
An academic program reinforced by scripture to get it done.

And the best thing about E.T.A.L.B.E. that makes it so good,
It can be, “tailor made” to fit the needs of any neighborhood,
Pronounced, E-TAL-BE, it is a combination noun and verb,
Because we all know that action speaks louder than words.

Example of scripture,1st Kings 10: 5, (AB) although not the only one,
By the excellence of your work others will be breathless & overcome.
An old saying or adage right for this is known as the, “Rule of Thumb, ”
No one’s perfect therefore always check the work before you’re done.

If you can find someone to play with you can find a buddy,
Who also has a desire to grow and they’re willing to study,
Another student with aspirations to succeed and not to fail,
For every 1 who graduates,1 will not and 1 ends up in jail.

You can’t take the test for a promotion and expect to lead,
When you’re unable to pass because you’re unable to read,
Or think, “I am a superstar athlete, hey coach take a look, ”
Either you’ll have to understand signs or a game playbook.

High school diploma? Nope! Now it takes a college degree,
Gone are the days when, “well, at least I can join the Army, ”
As even technical skills are required, “to be all you can be, ”
Your future is now being framed by your scholastic history.

*“The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare, ”
Wanting it but making little or no effort won’t get you there,
If you do not put into practice the lessons that you’ve heard,
“May I take your order? ” You better remember these 5 words.

*(Quote by, Juma Ikanga, a marathon runner from Tanzania)

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Luke Easter

Luke Easter

Cleveland, Ohio
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Luke Easter
Cleveland, Ohio
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