Subtracting One Poem by W.M. Rivera

W.M. Rivera

W.M. Rivera

New Orleans, LA
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W.M. Rivera
New Orleans, LA
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Subtracting One

Rating: 5.0

Subtracting One

Subtracting One

Verhaeren crushed rushing to board a train.
Rilke's agony pricked by a garden's thorn.
It's not the unexpected haunts us.

The source of our sorrows is what's known:
the inexorable cut-off from meaning,
how seasons turn, what openings disclose,

the vistas of departing trains,
the smallest cut that kills, amazing
how sameness changes.

I recollect O'Hara, a ruptured liver,
struck by a dune buggy.

No, it's not the unexpected. What's meant
is the devil in the flesh,
the layers of dust between index and thumb.

Subtracting One
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: poets
Bernard F. Asuncion 08 October 2017

Such an interesting poem, W.M. Rivera.....

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Kumarmani Mahakul 08 October 2017

The source of our sorrows is known but season turns and we feel season of joy. Everything changes here and this expressive poem presented from memory amazes mind. Wise sharing is done here.10

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William M Rivera 08 October 2017

Enjoy, I consider this poem as an example of composite verse. WMR

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William M Rivera 08 October 2017

Enjoy, I consider this poem as an exmple of composite verse. WMR

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W.M. Rivera

W.M. Rivera

New Orleans, LA
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W.M. Rivera
New Orleans, LA
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