Stop Blaming The Immigrants Poem by Daya Nandan

Stop Blaming The Immigrants

Stop harassing the immigrants in our land,
They are only here to lend certain businesses their hand,
They only seek money in exchange for their hard work,
They is no need to throw hateful remarks and go berserk,

It is not their fault that opportunity comes their way,
They just want their families to eat three meals each day,
They send back money to put food on their families plates,
They perform jobs that we will not at minimum pay rates,

It is true jobs are being outsourced but it is not their fault,
Blame the companies that want to save the money in their vault,
So stop harassing them like they are criminals in our sight,
And stop discriminating them like it is your given right,

They are humans just like us who just want to survive,
They work day and night for money to keep their families alive,
It is the government's duty to see that outsourcing is controlled,
For the responsibilities of the country are duties that they hold,

So stop venting your anger at the immigrants in our nation,
Stop insulting and discriminating them because of your frustration,
Embrace the values of humanity within and stop this baseless hate,
Let them work in peace to put food upon their plate!

Friday, February 19, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: outsourcing
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